Thursday, April 12, 2012

Discourse Community

    In my discourse community of video gaming, there are a certain set of rules to become a renowned gamer and to be a part of the gaming community. Firstly, in order to be a part of the gaming community you must play games well. You will always be judged by your playing skills before anything else. The gaming community is quite easy to fit into if you have the urge to do so but at first it is difficult. First time gamers will not know of the exact play style that is deemed acceptable. Most first time gamers are deemed "Noobs". Noobs are usually low ranked players and play the game without much skill. For certain online games there are a few play styles that are not acceptable. Camping play styles where the player remains motionless in one spot is deemed noob-ish. Gamers wish to create fair and equal gaming experiences for everyone. Those who hack and mod, in other words cheat games, are threatened to be banned from playing them. Playing the game well and playing is right will establish credibility and acceptance into the gaming community.
    Once inside the gaming circle, communication within online video gaming is essential. The first thing one must do is create a gamertag. Gamertags will represent the player and provides an alter ego. Avatars are another type of representation that includes both a written expression as well as a visual representation of the gamer. Video games have since evolved from solo play to worldwide online gaming. Almost every game has an online multilayer which allows people from all over to play together. With this there is also a Gaming Language. Many words have evoked from the Gaming Community. Words such as camper, noob, hacker, MLG, hardscoper, etc...are created to describe and identify players. Online communication is enforced through the use of online chatting and outside gaming communities. There are various gaming sites that are specific to the game and provide a place for gamers to ask questions and gain knowledge of the game.
    My research on this topic is not going as smoothly as I would have hoped. I have not found any useful information pertaining to my topic. I want to talk about the gaming community and maybe how it has evolved since video gaming first appeared. I also want to look into the misconceptions about video games but the sources I have read only describe the effect of a certain game. I'm looking for a more general approach.

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