Thursday, April 26, 2012


    These short letters to the editor contain direct and specific issues that occur within the region. They are short and straight forward. Almost all of them are supporting an issue or demanding a state of action. Many have eye catching titles. They are like headlines which talk about the whole piece within a few words. They are like mini essays and the point/thesis of the piece is very evident. Each "blog" is set in a colloquial tone. They are informal and therefore can get straight to the point without seeming impolite. The writer in these pieces is also an informal person. They don't really have a title and seem to be commoners. The things that they write are more based on their own opinion than that of others.
    In the seventh chapter of From Inquiry to Academic Writing, the notion of summarizing and paraphrasing is mentioned. It is mainly about all the possible ways to shorten a piece of writing into more manageable portions. Both are techniques used to shorten a passage. Even though they seem the same they are different. Paraphrasing is lengthy-er and contains the meat of the message. Whereas summaries contain the bare bones of the passage. Both must present the "gist of an argument" where you are "expressing the author's central idea in a sentence or two"(134).  In this chapter there is also talk about synthesizing, where you compare two or more works against each other. With this technique, summarizing is essential. you have to know that main argument of each piece in order to compare them fairly. Plagiarism is a big no no. It is the worst offense you can do in the academic community.   In order to avoid plagiarism you must use your own style of voice to reinterpret what the passage was trying to evoke. The most important thing to do is always cite your sources. That way the original author is given the recognition he/she deserves.
    I don't know but this week has been the most stressful week of my schooling years. Literally every day of class I had,there was something due in ALL of my classes. That's flippin' crazy. I felt so hectic. I'm glad it's the almost weekend already. I'm gonna feel so relieved until I realize I still have finals to study for. Sheesh. Are blogs meant to vent like this? I wonder... Anywho the week has been so long... probably because I have been up all night and losing major amounts of sleep.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Project Two Brainstorm

    I honestly am very confused on what to write about. I am not sure whether my paper should be purely informative or have hints of persuasive notions within it. So for right now I am in the middle grounds. I have a hard time finding sources for my topic. I have had to alter my question multiple times because I haven't found the sources and information I want. I have just had a hard time figuring out my question and its purpose and sticking to it.
    So for my topic I am researching on how video games can be beneficial. They do more good than bad in other words. Video games have had a one sided view on its impact in the world and in education in particular. I guess I am hoping to change that or lessen the negative view on video games. I first want to show why video games are so pleasing and fun to play. I'm going to show the development of games and why game developers create games in a certain way. It is not only to please gamers and make sales but also to "trap" them into the game. Because a bad game will never sell. These are specific moves that they do in order for games to be as successful as they are.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Discourse Community

    In my discourse community of video gaming, there are a certain set of rules to become a renowned gamer and to be a part of the gaming community. Firstly, in order to be a part of the gaming community you must play games well. You will always be judged by your playing skills before anything else. The gaming community is quite easy to fit into if you have the urge to do so but at first it is difficult. First time gamers will not know of the exact play style that is deemed acceptable. Most first time gamers are deemed "Noobs". Noobs are usually low ranked players and play the game without much skill. For certain online games there are a few play styles that are not acceptable. Camping play styles where the player remains motionless in one spot is deemed noob-ish. Gamers wish to create fair and equal gaming experiences for everyone. Those who hack and mod, in other words cheat games, are threatened to be banned from playing them. Playing the game well and playing is right will establish credibility and acceptance into the gaming community.
    Once inside the gaming circle, communication within online video gaming is essential. The first thing one must do is create a gamertag. Gamertags will represent the player and provides an alter ego. Avatars are another type of representation that includes both a written expression as well as a visual representation of the gamer. Video games have since evolved from solo play to worldwide online gaming. Almost every game has an online multilayer which allows people from all over to play together. With this there is also a Gaming Language. Many words have evoked from the Gaming Community. Words such as camper, noob, hacker, MLG, hardscoper, etc...are created to describe and identify players. Online communication is enforced through the use of online chatting and outside gaming communities. There are various gaming sites that are specific to the game and provide a place for gamers to ask questions and gain knowledge of the game.
    My research on this topic is not going as smoothly as I would have hoped. I have not found any useful information pertaining to my topic. I want to talk about the gaming community and maybe how it has evolved since video gaming first appeared. I also want to look into the misconceptions about video games but the sources I have read only describe the effect of a certain game. I'm looking for a more general approach.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Midterm Portfolio Revision

    In my revision of the midterm portfolio I first sought to read through Mr. Frank's comments on my draft. The comments I received insisted me to further my explanation of sources and come up with a solution to the problem. I read through my entire essay in order to figure out what I need to organize and where to add my solution. While reading I noticed some simple grammatical errors and I fixed them. I also added onto one of my sources. I wanted to further evaluate its meaning and purpose in my essay. I felt that I did not fully explain what my paper was about. By evaluating and elaborating on this one idea, the reader may have a better understanding of why I chose that piece. I would like to do this to all of my sources. After reading my essay I did realize that the main purpose was kind of lost and unclear. In order to make my point more transparent I created notes on the things I needed to add and where I should add them. For example, I wrote that I should create a solutions paragraph near the end of the essay.
    I did consider replacing one of my sources for a source that referred to the other side of the issue, however I decided not to fulfill this consideration. I realized that the time searching for another work that went against my argument would be too difficult and time consuming. I would rather work and edit with what I already have. In order to acknowledge the other side, I am going to create a paragraph that shows some pros of the injustice of social class by using sources that I already have. I think this could be a beneficial argument to include in my essay, however I will have to be aware of misrepresenting the works I have.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

From Inquiry to Academic Writing: Chapter Five

    In Chapter Five, Formulating to Developing a Thesis, of From Inquiry to Academic Writing, the main purpose of the chapter is explaining what a thesis is and what it provides for your paper. A thesis is "an assertion that academic writers make at the beginning of what they write and then support with evidence throughout their essay"(83). The thesis can be compared to a shish kebab as it must pierce through every statement and paragraph, allowing each idea to be held together. The thesis statement is usually placed near the beginning of the paper and makes an argument about a certain conversation that is clear and supported. It is used as the basis of every paragraph that follows and conveys a perspective on the issue while taking other controversial sides into account.
    When writing a paper the first crucial step is forming a working thesis. The working thesis provides an idea or basis for your final thesis. The working thesis is there to promote more more reading and writing of your paper. It will allow you to further your analysis and come up with more questions. It is very important to understand the this first working thesis should never be your final thesis. The working thesis is there to further elaborate and change in order to come up with your final thesis.
    When writing a working thesis there are many ways to approach your argument. There are three specific ways in order to state the thesis. The first is the Correcting-Misinterpretation Model where you "correct writers who arguments you believe have misconstrued one or more important aspects of an issue"(85). The second is the Filling-The-Gap Model where a "claim of value" is usually stated. It points to what other writers have not included in their works and a closer look of the issue reveals something alternative. The last model is the Modifying-What-Others-Have-Said Model where you take your understanding of another work and modify it to make a suggestion.
   I have learned a couple of good things from this chapter. It will definitely help when revising my paper. I can use some these techniques and advice to strengthen my paper and make it clearer. One thing I liked was the use of context as a background into your issue. It's important to introduce the topic and have an understanding of it in order to create some credibility to your argument and to also create more clarification for your audience.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

From Inquiry to Academic Writing Chapter Four

    I am so READY for this Sunday to come. I want a weekend so badly AND I want my baby back, baby back RIBS. I'm gonna pig it out with my bestie. We WERE gonna eat at Buffalo Wild Wings but we saw this show on Food Network about BBQ's and got HOOKED. So we decided to eat out at the Dog House Grill. Mmm. YUM!
    In Chapter Four of From Inquiry to Academic Writing, the main purpose of the chapter is to identify multiple views on an issue and evaluate that issue with questions. First off, before you can write critically and evaluate your issues, must first read critically. When reading you should think about why this person is arguing the statement? Only then can you write about your own inquiries on the subject. The questions on page sixty five are of great importance because they will definitely  boost the rhetoric in our papers. Just like in the previous chapter of this book, where we should look closely at the claims we read, we should also look at the claims that our source make. By explaining what the source is about and why it is important, we can further clarify its significance to our arguments. Also by identifying how the source intends to persuade us, we can see its effectiveness within our thinking. These questions not only deal with how to interpret the sources we use but how we use our own sources within our writing.
    In our writing we should take our audience into consideration. Our writing should connect to the readers who understand the subject and even those who cannot. This relates to the chapter "So what? Who cares?" in They Say, I Say. We have to makes sure the audience understands the purpose of the issue and how this issue will effect them in some way. In this use of audience awareness we will be able to make our point clear and persuasive to the audience. We should also be sure to evaluate both sides of the issue or multiple sides to the issue. In that way the audience is able to see how either side will outcome to. The audience is then given the choice to choose a side. Without this choice the readers are unable to make a fair choice.
    Another important issue in this chapter is the misconception of the personal word "I" within college level essays. Using the personal views and personal beliefs will often strengthen your argument. After all it is personal experience which teaches us what to believe and shapes who we are. With these stories you can bring life into your essay, using personal thought to argue a point and make connections with our daily lives.
    It is FINALLY March!!! I am super STOKED for the BEACH! There's only 29 more days until I go on a road trip with my best friend. We're going to the Mystery Spot. :D

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Nickel and Dimed "Evaluation"

    In the last chapter of Nickel and Dimed, Ehrenreich evaluates her progress and results after her project. She discovers that there is a huge problem in American economics. In her project she was given a free car and higher education, yet she still struggled to live well as a low-waged worker. She found it incredible how low the wage was and how high the rent was. Rent was her biggest factor to overcome as a low-waged worker. The rent was simply too high for the amount of money she received working.
    Ehrenreich delves into the saying "The rich get richer while the poor get poorer." She describes that even though the economy is rising nationally it does not apply to poor people. ONLY the rich get richer because of stocks and what not. This means that they own and buy more land. Poor people are therefore lead to live in more expensive housing. Also housing becomes more expensive as you move into the inner ring of the cities where most low-waged workers work. Therefore in order to live near work they would have to pay high amounts of rent. If they opted to live further outside of work in order for lower rent they would have to pay for transportation. It becomes a lose-lose situation for poor people.
     Ehrenreich also talks about the low wages of these workers and the poor treatment they get from employers. She explains why low waged workers do not revolt and ask for better pay or better treatment. Low waged workers are so dependent on their jobs and live on daily salary. This means that any time not working means no money. And in their lifestyle money must be made at every chance possible. Revolting could result in job loss with will in turn mean that the worker will lose his/her house. They fear the lack of money so deeply that they endure all of the mistreatment and low pay.
    Poverty is evident in American and effects many of the low-waged workers who are in poverty or near it. Many political parties deny the fact or choose not to help it. This results in poor people defending themselves against unfair wages and cruel mistreatment of their employers. Ehrenriech sums up the purpose of the novel in these explanations. She says that the low-waged life is so difficult for even her, a person of high knowledge. How can an average American maintain this life style and live well? Her conclusion is that they can't and they don't. Many of these workers barely live. She acknowledges her realization that hard work doesn't give you success as she sees all of these low waged workers , working as hard as possible just to sink deeper into poverty.
    In my peer response to my first draft I received some helpful feedback on my paper. My paper used good examples but could have had more explaining as the editor was confused on some parts. Also my thesis didn't come out clear enough for the responder. I'll take both of these in consideration when revising for the final draft.
    I'm so READY for March 30th. I'm going to the beach with my best friend. =D It's gonna be a BLAST! But before all that fun... I have more school to go through. Argh! Sunsets at the beach are beautiful. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"The Art of Metacommentary"

    In Chapter Ten of They Say, I Say. the idea of metacommentary is introduced .Metacommentary is a type of writing that explains what has already been stated. It is used to summarize and put together the purpose and meaning of the previous passage to readers. Metacommentary is a way of  "commenting on your own claims and telling readers how- and how not- to think about them"(123). It's referred to as a  chorus in a Greek play, where the chorus is there to interpret what has just happened to the audience. They also may directly show the significance of the scene. Likewise, metacommentary is mostly beneficial to the readers. When a writer includes metacommentary, he or she is able to clarify any misconceptions and allow readers to catch up with what is going on or what's been said.
    Texts are therefore seen and written in two ways. One is the main point which "you make your argument" and the other in which you "'work' your ideas"(124). The second point would be the metacommentary. Here a writer is focused not on stating new points to his or her argument but by guiding readers through your main points and interpreting what you have stated. It allows for further clarification and may even add onto your argument. Using metacommentary can improve your argument and add various angles or perspectives to your purpose. In addition, metacomentary allows you to further your argument by providing more of your own personal views and possibly other views on that topic. Phrases like "In other words" or "My point is" emphasize your main point and conclude what you've said.
   Not only can your text include metacommentary, but your title can also include metacommentary. Titles can "stand apart from the text itself and tells readers the book's main point"(127). Titles are actually one of the most important forms of metacommentary. They explain what the book's sole purpose is before a reader even opens its pages. Creating titles like these will allow you to give readers a sense of your argument and reflect on what you're trying to say.
    Other methods of metacommentary include entertaining objections and "So what?" questions. With these moves you are able to come up with what another critic might say, therefore you are prepared to answer back at the critic. Answering "So what?" questions allows you to "look beyond your central argument and explain who cares about it and why?"(128).
   Using all of these techniques of metacommentary will add onto you argument while aiding your audience to an understanding of you writing. It is very important to maintain your audience's attention and full understanding. With these techniques you'll be able to "work" on your current claims and elaborate on your main points with greater depth.
    The progress of my Project One paper is still in the researching state. I'm having difficulty finding sources that actually deal with what I want to talk about. So far the Rereading America book has been very useful for my argument but finding scholarly journals that focus on social class and its effect in America is hard to find. I'm thinking about writing on the social injustice in America and its effect on Americans of all classes. I believe I can write a reasonable essay pertaining to that topic.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Journal Response #3

    Ehrenreich decides to move to Minnesota, in the hopes of living a more comfortable lifestyle than the places she's been before. She believes that Minneapolis will provide her with a better, higher paying job and has low housing. She begins her job hunting with a couple of Wal-Marts and a hardware store named Menards. She wants a change from nursing homes and waitressing. Her drug tests seem to unease her as it can make or break the job offer. In the meantime, while waiting for her drug test results, Ehrenreich meets a friend who has been in this situation before, but in reality. Her name is Caroline and she was put through what Ehrenreich is going through right now. Caroline had to give up the life she had in order to make money and live. She worked low paid jobs and often had to move a lot. Her situation was much more risky and she turned to help from churches and managed to overcome her struggles. Ehrenreich decides to work at Wal-Mart and towards the end of the chapter becomes weary of this life and does not appreciate the things these people have to live though. She just settles somewhere without care and gives up knowing that she always has a back up plan. She uses humor to mock the life of the low wage worker.
    Ehrenreich has two of the most important and perhaps best qualities for anyone in the work force or applying for a low waged job, she is White and speaks English. These become her most important attributes, for in the working world they are heavily needed and stressed as the best. In America's society, we believe that for some reason White people are more appealing than any other races and that English is the preeminent language. It is almost guaranteed that a White person who speaks English will be hired before a minority who hardly knows English.  Erenreich was able to use these attributes for her benefit in that she was offered jobs so readily. She often went to many interviews and passed all the tests. This would be quite hard for any other minority looking for a job. I do not feel that this is equal at all. I know these stereotypes very well. Sometimes I feel that White people don't believe it themselves. After all this way of thinking was invented by the White Americans. It's practically embedded in our minds to feel this way when applying for a job. As a customer you will hardly see a commercial store filled with just minority workers. That's because businesses know their customers and want to appeal to the all White trademark that seems to make everything better and more proper.
    America lacks what other nations do for their citizens, which is provide help to the people struggling to make ends meet and not making the rich richer. America practically feeds its rich citizens with the poor people's hard work and money. In other nations wealth is spread out equally. Maybe America could spread all of that unnecessary wealth to those in greater need. Making the low waged work life so difficult only means that these people will never get out to enjoy a better life.
    In this chapter Ehrenreich becomes particularly sarcastic and witty. She almost jokes about the lives that low waged workers go through. In this sense she loses her sympathy for these people. Her jokes only display her transformation from kind and caring to brash and cynical. The jokes act as a mockery of the people around her. Maybe this shows the darker side of the issue. She's become empty about her situation and realizes she can get out of that life whenever she wants so she is able to make a mockery of the people who are stuck in this life. 

Friday, February 10, 2012

"Class in America" - Gregory Mantsios

     Researching has always been difficult and frustrating. I went on the Fresno State's library page to look for some sources but it took me a long time to find some that kinda went with my topic. It was hard to receive a result that talked about exactly what I was looking for. Many of the results were a bit off topic and did not deal with American problems. They were about novels or about other countries. However I did manage to find two sources that mostly present my theme. My first source talks about the meaning of "patience" between different classes and differences of social class. It talks about how each class is treating differently and how each has its own customs. The other article shows the history and workings of the working class. I couldn't find the perfect sources but I feel that these could lead me in the right direction.
     In "Class in America" by Gregory Mantsios, the workings of  economical classes in America are discussed. People in America don't talk about class because they refrain from classifying each other through classes. Americans "refer to their race, ethnic group, or geographic location."  Americans are afraid to distinguish one another through economical means. It's not that they aren't aware of these differences but that class is not a sociable subject converse over. Mantsios describes 4 myths about class in America. For example: class is of no significance in America, we are all middle class, we are all getting richer, and everyone has an equal chance to succeed.
    In reality, however, we realize that these are ALL myths or lies. America does struggle with its social class system and the gap between rich and poor is growing everyday. Mantsios shows the wide range of class in America. The rich only make about one percent but make a third of the money gross. There are extreme differences in the lifestyles if each class. Lastly, not everyone is able to succeed with JUST hard work.  Not all Americans have the same opportunists if they are born in different classes. It is very hard to get out of a lower class. Being in a lower class present many more challenges than someone who started off in a higher class level. There are even more negative effects of the social classes. Many times people are discriminated because of their race or gender. Statistically certain races are more likely to succeed in finding a job and what not. This creates unfair advantages and discourages the minorities to get out of the lower class.
    I do believe that there is injustice withing the social class structure in America. Being a minority I can see the challenges that one would have to go through in order to prevail and up their status. America likes to think it is the land of the equal but until it can prove that it is just a lie. The rich often get richer and the poor get poorer. In America, it seems everyday they make it harder and harder for the poor to overcome their class standards and become better. The rich take and take money from the poor Americans and never seem to give it back. If they are making more than a third of the money they should be giving it back. I don't see why they should get slack of paying back to society when the poor must do it everyday with their work and their wages.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Nickel and Dimed Journal #2

    Ehrenreich moves her project to Maine where she finds that the jobs are plentiful. The town where she stays at is mostly accompanied by an all White population. She finds that the workers, managers, and even maids are all White. She sees this as an interesting place where she will not be questioned and will be equally skilled as the other people around her. She also finds a hard time finding a place to live and ends up renting an apartment for $120. Ehrenreich manages to find two jobs, one as a maid and the other at a retirement home for the elderly and disabled. 
    As a maid she is opened to a new perspective about the profession. For example, she realizes that the maids don't actually clean properly for their clients. They have to make it appear clean but not actually clean the rooms. This is because the owners want to save money and time. They only care about what is visible to the eyes and sensed by the nose. They specifically tell maids to only use half a bucket of water and wipe down only what can be seen by customers. Safety and concern for customers isn't really an issue. They just want to make money and conserve as much equipment that they can in order to increase profits. By working on their hands and feet in front of the customers the maids are able to deceit them. They seem like they are actually cleaning and getting rid of harmful bacteria but as before it is all about appearances. If the customer sees a maid wipe somewhere they assume it is clean and germ free but in reality it is not. Their job is to mask the actual dirtiness of the room not rid it of the messes.  
    As Ehrenreich soon realizes, becoming a maid has degraded her social "class" in society. People often look upon maids in pity and sorrow. They feel bad that that person is doing such in honorable work. They woman at the store fails to look at her because she feels higher than Ehrenreich. The woman doesn't want to face eye contact with such a lowly classed worker. This shows the degrading work of minimum wage. People often treat you like dirt just because if what you do. They usually aren't trying to be mean but within themselves they feel a sense of superiority and in result, treat you lowly. 
    Maids have become a social class equal to minorities and people in poverty merely because of the work that they do. As minorities often get the same treatment as maids. Where normal people often treat them as a lower class. They feel pity and  come to brash conclusions about someone. As in the text it says, "Maids, as an occupational group, are not visible, and when we are seen we are often sorry for it". This incorporates all these social classes difficulties in our society. It means that these people are never seen or taken care of. People don't ever think about their situations and when they do see them, their thoughts of how sorry and sad their life is.