Thursday, April 19, 2012

Project Two Brainstorm

    I honestly am very confused on what to write about. I am not sure whether my paper should be purely informative or have hints of persuasive notions within it. So for right now I am in the middle grounds. I have a hard time finding sources for my topic. I have had to alter my question multiple times because I haven't found the sources and information I want. I have just had a hard time figuring out my question and its purpose and sticking to it.
    So for my topic I am researching on how video games can be beneficial. They do more good than bad in other words. Video games have had a one sided view on its impact in the world and in education in particular. I guess I am hoping to change that or lessen the negative view on video games. I first want to show why video games are so pleasing and fun to play. I'm going to show the development of games and why game developers create games in a certain way. It is not only to please gamers and make sales but also to "trap" them into the game. Because a bad game will never sell. These are specific moves that they do in order for games to be as successful as they are.

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